The Viaduct


The Viaduct was dreamed up by the California State Parks Department in 2014 as a way to utilize the L.A. State Historic Park while it closed for renovations. In the last couple of months, the pop-up has hosted concerts with Kensington Presents, a D.I.Y. music promoter that began organizing potlucks with live music on a Victorian porch in Angelino Heights three years ago. “We didn’t know the neighbors, we didn’t know the neighborhood, and we were like, ‘What’s the best way for us to meet our neighbors? Let’s throw a concert,'” says organizer Mathieu Young, a commercial photographer who works full-time in advertising. Thanks in part to his roommate, Drew Flaherty, who worked at the L.A. Philharmonic at the time and now manages the Pasadena Symphony Orchestra, the collective was able to book a Brazilian band, an a cappella choir, and even a string trio from the L.A. Philharmonic.

Capacity: 896

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